The WORST Way to Treat Prostate Cancer
I’ve seen the look on my own patients’ faces. When guys learn they have prostate cancer, their inner Green Beret kicks in. They want to fight that cancer with everything they’ve got. So it’s no wonder that so many men get talked into aggressive, high-dose radiation. The more the better, right? Not exactly. It turns […]
The ONE Test Every Parkinson’s Patient Needs
A few decades ago, Michael J. Foxx became the public face of Parkinson’s disease. Watching someone so young and talented have his quality of his life stripped away from him was difficult. It’s even more difficult to see that same slow decline in my own patients. But while there is currently no cure for Parkinson’s […]
Forget Cholesterol! Get THIS Checked Instead
“Doc, what can I do to live longer?” If I had a penny for every time a patient asked me that… I’d have a lot of pennies. Most doctors would probably tell you to exercise more or to lower your cholesterol. But I’m not most doctors. If you want to know your risk for dying, […]
Never Go to a Hospital Without THIS
A couple years back, I was in the hospital for a few days after a head injury. My treatment was going well… but it didn’t take me long to realize why so many people get sicker at hospitals. They refuse to bring you out into the sun, which is important to your recovery. And you’re […]
Middle Eastern Secret DESTROYS Colon Cancer
You’ve heard about the definition of insanity, right? It’s doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. But that’s EXACTLY how mainstream medicine treats cancer. They keep coming up with new and dangerous ways to poison, burn, or cut the cancer out of us. And most of these treatments come with side […]
Is Your PSA High? Better Read This…
For years, the PSA test was the end-all, be-all of prostate testing. Doctors pushed the test on their patients, and the patients dutifully listened. More recently, studies have revealed that the PSA test isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We learned that high PSA levels don’t necessarily indicate that a man has prostate cancer… […]
[Warning] This Vitamin Deficiency Could Be DEADLY
Your mom probably told you this a thousand times… and I know mine did. If you want to live a long, healthy life, you need to load up on your vitamins. But don’t just pop that daily multi-vitamin and think you’re out of the woods. Because there’s one vitamin deficiency you don’t want to get […]
Popular Stomach Meds Causing CANCER?!
If you’ve never dealt with acid reflux, count our lucky stars. For millions of people suffering from acid reflux, the heartburn, indigestion, and bloating have become an uncomfortable way of life. If that’s you, you’ve probably taken—or are taking—proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Prilosec and Prevacid to help ease your symptoms. The fact that these […]
Not “In the Mood”? Try This
People talk about sexual dysfunction like it’s something that primarily affects men. Newsflash! As you get older, women are just as likely to experience problems as their partners. I’ve always said that your love life shouldn’t come with an expiration date–but that means that BOTH partners need to be up for the task. A few […]
Toss Your Ibuprofen! Take THIS Instead
I know how it is. When you’re in pain, you just want some relief. That’s why so many people put up with the side effects of pain medication. They’re willing to risk the side effects… just to make the pain stop a little. But what if you didn’t have to make that choice. What if […]
Become a Tiger in Bed Again (Here’s How)
Call me crazy, but I don’t believe your sex life should come with an expiration date. But so many men these days have trouble performing that doctors treat it like it’s normal. It’s not. And that means you don’t have to just live with it—or resign yourself to taking a prescription pill that may (or […]
Dr. G’s PERSONAL Fountain of Youth
I used to tell my sons to act their age. But I have to tell you… I have a hard time following my own advice. I don’t want to act my age. Whether I’m biking, mountain climbing, or hiking, I want to keep up with guys HALF my age. Let me tell you how I […]
High Blood Pressure GONE in 4 Weeks!
I’ve been reading your responses to my heart-health survey… and I have to say, I’m IMPRESSED. Lots of people don’t think about their heart health until a problem develops. But readers like you are staying on top of it. And today I’m going to give you another powerful solution you’ll NEVER hear about in a […]
Delicious Snack STOPS Heart Attacks
When your doctor tells you to start eating healthier, it can send chills up your spine. You start seeing images of steamed kale, endless salads, beet juice, and other less-than-exciting options. Sure, you can eat those things if you like them. But whoever said that eating healthy means depriving yourself of tasty treats? Not me! […]
[Quiz] Are You Missing This Key Mineral?
You won’t hear doctors or nutritionists talk about it much, but it’s hard to overstate the importance of the mineral iodine. Iodine is absolutely essential for heathy thyroid function. If you’re not getting enough, your thyroid can’t produce enough hormones, and can that wreak all kinds of havoc on your health. That’s because iodine—and healthy […]
[Warning] Popular Foods GIVING You Cancer
The drug companies… and even our government… keep spending BILLIONS looking for new ways to treat cancer. But how’s this for an idea — why don’t we stop people from getting cancer in the first place? Believe it or not, some of the foods sitting in your kitchen right now can send your risk of […]
Want to Avoid Cataracts? Here’s How
They say the eyes are the window to the soul. But let’s face it – your eyes are your window to the world. You depend on your vision for reading, cooking, driving, and all the things that let you maintain your independence. So I know you want to do everything you can to avoid cataracts, […]
“Golden Drink” Gives You a Super Brain
God only gave me one brain. And I’m going to do everything I can to protect it. I’m sure you feel the same way. But if those “senior moments”… like forgetting a name or a face, or where you put the car keys… have you worried, I have just the answer you’re looking for. Because […]
[Warning] Deadly New Flu Complication
Flu has been absolutely rampaging through our country these past several weeks. You’re probably already familiar with the typical flu symptoms: the fever, chills, muscle aches, fatigue. It can make even the strongest man beg for his mama. For the vast majority of people, these will be the worse of the symptoms, and they’ll only […]
Dump Your Milk Down the Drain (If It’s This Kind)
When I was a kid, I loved to gulp down a cold, creamy glass of milk – especially with my mother’s homemade cookies. But somewhere along the way, the government and the food industry tampered with one of nature’s perfect foods—taking out the fat (and all the taste)—and I stopped being such a fan. But […]