Swedish Secret to Better Sleep and More Energy
We could learn a lot from cultures around the world—especially ones with the happiest people living the longest lives. One country that ticks both boxes is Sweden. They’re close to the top of the list when it comes to life expectancy, which is about 83.33 years. (This beats the US by about four years.) But […]
WWII Era Drug DESTROYS Deadly Superbugs
Antibiotic resistance has us locked in a battle with rapidly morphing superbugs that are learning to evade our best antibiotics. It’s a race against time. And the superbugs are winning. New drug development takes time that we simply don’t have. That’s why, instead of creating new antibiotics, a better solution is to take another look […]
Ordinary Hobby SLASHES Stroke Risk?! (You Can Start NOW)
I have a LOT of hobbies. I enjoy going on hunting trips, fishing for my dinner, soaking in the cold springs near my home in Arizona, and running with my dog, Nash. (And that’s the short list.) Hobbies are a great way to make your life more fun and fulfilling. But they can also be […]
Hidden Culprit SABOTAGES Weight Loss Efforts
They insist weight loss is simple. That it’s the inevitable result of a SIMPLE equation: Burn more calories than you take in, and the pounds will melt away like magic. Right? Well, if you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know that’s pure nonsense. The truth is, it can feel like your body is working […]
4 BEST Blood Pressure Supplements?!
You can ignore plenty of so-called health measurements (the cholesterol myth comes to mind)… but your blood pressure number isn’t one of them. Without a doubt, high blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Heavy-duty prescription drugs can reduce your blood pressure (BP). However, there’s often a […]
Belly Solution BEATS Antibiotic Resistance
They say the best defense is a good offense. And when it comes to dangerous antibiotic resistance, I couldn’t agree more. After all, once a common infection like a urinary tract infection (UTI) or an abscessed tooth threatens your life, it could be too late to do something about it. We rely on antibiotics to […]
6 Alzheimer’s Triggers to AVOID
No one likes to feel powerless. Yet when it comes to some of the worst diseases we face, that’s PRECISELY how we often end up feeling. Alzheimer’s fits into this category. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Researchers have identified 6 specific Alzheimer’s triggers living in your body. When you avoid these dementia […]
"Polar Plunge" Secret DEFIES Aging
I’ve been accused of having a picture in my attic. After all, people figure my ability to stay so youthful DESPITE my age must involve some kind of magic. But I assure you it doesn’t The truth is I’m committed to a number of regular practices… from exposing myself to plenty of sunlight to intermittent […]
Top 10 DON’T MISS Alzheimer’s Red Flags!
Over eight centuries ago, the wise Dutch philosopher, Erasmus, dropped a gem that’s every bit as true today as when he first said it around 1500. And that is, “prevention is better than cure.” It’s inarguably true of ALL illnesses and diseases. Not getting sick in the first place is ALWAYS better. But with certain […]
“Wonder Herb” Boosts Heart Attack Recovery
After a heart attack, your body is flooded with inflammation. Doctors prescribe powerful anti-inflammatories to help combat it. The problem is, they ALSO suppress your immune system in the process, increasing your risk of severe infections. And let’s face it, the last thing you need when recovering from a heart attack is to battle an […]
Popular Pain Treatment Is ALL Risk and NO Reward
It’s no secret that antidepressants don’t work very well for treating depression. So what does mainstream medicine do when a drug doesn’t work for one condition? It throws it at another, of course! (Something’s bound to stick eventually, right?) As crazy as this sounds, this switcheroo is exactly what has been happening with antidepressants and […]
4 Early Warning Signs of Colon Cancer
No matter what kind of cancer you have, the earlier you catch it, the better. Unfortunately, some types don’t present many obvious warning signs in their earliest stages. Instead, they fly under the radar until it’s too late to stop them. Colon cancer falls into this category. It’s treatable IF caught early enough (which is […]
Slash Breast Cancer Recurrence by 40%
Breast cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence. Screening and treatment options have become much more advanced in recent years. That means women of all ages have a FAR greater chance of survival. But if you want to boost your odds of a favorable outcome even further (and who doesn’t?!), a new study reveals […]
10-Minute Trick FIGHTS Cancer
The moment you’re diagnosed with cancer, your focus INSTANTLY changes. Instead of thinking about prevention, you want to know precisely how to improve your prognosis. You want to reduce the side effects of any treatments you receive. You want to improve your quality of life. But more than anything, you want to BEAT THE CANCER […]
Beat Age-Related Blindness with Food
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. That may be the case, but on a more practical level, the eyes are the windows to the world. The older you get, the more you realize how true this is. For many, waning eyesight starts with needing readers or a stronger eyeglass prescription. But […]
Toxic Chemicals Hiding in Your Home
There are plenty of ways to make good decisions for your health. Some of the first that come to mind are improving your diet, exercising more, and getting plenty of light exposure. But I hope you’re also paying attention to what you’re putting ON—and breathing INTO—your body. You see if you’re not careful, hidden toxins […]
Sweet Treat PROTECTS Your Heart
Summer is right around the corner, which means some of my favorite fruits are coming into season. If you have yet to make friends with a local farmer, I recommend doing it soon. For starters, I like knowing where my food comes from. But more than that, consuming local, in-season, organically grown produce is as […]
Ancient Therapy FOILS Arthritis Flare-Ups
Mainstream medicine is SO predictable. You go to your doctor with a problem; he sends you home with a drug. Rheumatoid arthritis fits this formula perfectly. If you have it, you likely have a medicine cabinet full of drugs… arthritis meds, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, you name it. Which, of course, means you’re also likely dealing with […]
Fun in the Sun Habit Boosts Cancer Risk?
Summer is just a few short weeks away. If you squint, you can practically SEE it approaching. Soon, millions will head to the beach, the pool, and the park to enjoy the beautiful weather. But there’s one summertime habit that can harm your health. In fact, it could send your cancer risk SOARING. If you […]
The Dark Side of Melatonin
If you’re having trouble sleeping, I don’t blame you for looking for solutions. Sleep problems don’t JUST leave you feeling miserable. They also harm your health. Two of the most common sleep solutions are sleeping pills and melatonin. But buyer beware. Common is often mistaken for SAFE. But NEITHER option fit in this category. Sleeping […]