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Natural Health Response is intended to provide cutting-edge health information.
Nothing on this site should be interpreted as personal medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before changing anything related to your healthcare.

prostate cancer

The SAFEST Way to Beat Prostate Cancer

When you’re diagnosed with prostate cancer, you can practically hear the surgeons sharpening their scalpels.  They just can’t WAIT to cut you open… either by hand, or with one of those fancy new robots.  Meanwhile, lots of guys who get prostate cancer surgery will tell you it was the worst decision of their lives. It can […]

joint pain

Makes Arthritis Pain DISAPPEAR (Breakthrough!)

When you’re suffering from arthritis, it can feel like you have no good options.  You can just deal with the pain… or pop addictive and deadly opioid drugs… or you can go under the knife.  Some choices, huh? How about another choice? Like NONE OF THE ABOVE?  Because a new study has revealed a powerful way […]


Do You Have This Secret Dementia Trigger?

There are some docs who will tell you that diseases like dementia are a matter of genetics.  If you have the wrong genes, you’re basically doomed.  But that’s total nonsense. As many as 50% of dementia cases are due to factors that are completely within your control… things like high blood pressure, obesity, and smoking. Now, […]


“Banned” Food SLASHES Your Heart Risk

Following mainstream advice is like following a moving target.  What’s good for you one day is labeled as bad the next. One the flip side, certain foods that have been demonized for decades are suddenly hailed as superfoods. Case in point? One “forbidden” food is now turning out to be a heart-health hero.  And it […]

which way sign

[Warning] The WRONG Way to Avoid Diabetes

If you’re trying to avoid diabetes, chances are you’re watching what you eat pretty closely. But what if you’ve been given bad advice? What if you’re going about diabetes prevention all wrong? According to a recent study, watching what you eat is only part of the equation… and it’s not even the most important part. […]

A Look At October's Natural Health Response Newsletter

A Closer Look at mRNA Cancer Vaccines

Why They’re NOT All They’re Cracked Up to Be

Excitement has been brewing in medical research and mainstream pharmaceutical companies regarding the new messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.

They’ve been in the works for decades, but the first time an mRNA vaccine was rolled out to the public was with the COVID-19 vaccines. 

Now, the race is on to utilize this new type of vaccine to treat cancer.

Learn all about it, and much MORE, by clicking here.

Or click here to become a member and gain immediate access.

heart attack

“Super Drink” STOPS Heart Attacks

Ask most doctors how to prevent a heart attack, and they’ll give you the standard reply.  Ditch all the junk food, lose 20 pounds, and work out every single day. That’s not bad advice… except NOBODY is going to do it. I’ve been practicing medicine for nearly 40 years. And I know that asking people to […]

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Dr. G’s “Diabetes-No-More” Diet

When you hear the words “anti-diabetes diet,” what do you think of? Maybe you see yourself nibbling on carrots and lettuce like a rabbit.  Certainly no pasta… or cookies… or bread.  Well, I’m here to tell you that meal-time doesn’t have to be miserable for diabetics.   I’ve found that by ADDING certain tasty foods to […]

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7 Foods That SLASH Inflammation

Inflammation is the classic case of “too much of a good thing.” In small doses, inflammation actually helps our bodies heal from things like cuts, bruises, and infections.  But long-term, chronic inflammation can be a killer.  It’s been linked to joint pain… diabetes… heart disease… cancer… Alzheimer’s… and lots more.  And anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen […]

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flu season

This Works BETTER Than a Flu Shot (And It’s FREE)

Winter is right around the corner, and you know what that means. Another flu season – and another round of pressure to get the flu shot. I just have three words to say about that:  DON’T DO IT. Yes, the flu can be extremely dangerous – especially for older folks.  But there are other (BETTER) […]

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Spot Alzheimer’s YEARS Before Symptoms

There’s a lot to hate about Alzheimer’s. There’s the obvious… like the memory lapses, the personality changes, the loss of independence. There’s the toll on your family and loved ones. Your best bet is always to catch Alzheimer’s early, BEFORE the telltale symptoms. Then you could take active steps to slow its progression. Now, scientists […]

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[Warning] Deadly Cancer Agent in Breakfast Foods

It’s getting more and more difficult to “eat healthy” – especially when it comes to breakfast foods. Bagels, donuts, Danishes, crepes…  breakfast has become a carb-lovers paradise. But these days, even the “right” decisions can be the wrong ones.  Because it turns out that some of the most popular breakfast food options – including so-called “healthy” […]

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Forbidden Food SLASHES Stroke Risk

These days, following health advice is like trying to hit a moving target. What’s good for you one day is on the naughty list the next. If you’re confused, I don’t blame you. Case in point: There’s one tasty food you’ve been told to avoid because of its supposed ties to heart disease.  But it […]

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Breakthrough! New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients

No one wants to hear they have cancer. But a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is especially devastating. Even when it is caught in fairly early on (stage 1A), the 5-year survival rate is only 14%. And if it’s diagnosed at stage 4, the survival rate drops to 1%. For some folks, it’s practically a death […]

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Delicious Snack Makes High Blood Sugar Disappear

If you have diabetes, your doctor probably gave you an instruction list full of “don’ts.” Don’t eat that pizza… Don’t try that chocolate cake… Don’t eat anything you really love. Talk about FRUSTRATING!  But when it comes to dietary guidelines for diabetics, I like to focus on the “do’s.” There are plenty of DELICIOUS foods […]

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leaky gut

Food Trick FIXES Leaky Guts (Start TODAY)

You know how quickly gut problems can control your whole life.  Any time you’re out shopping or at dinner with friends, you find yourself scanning the room for the nearest bathroom.  You know… just in case.  But if you’re dealing with problems like diarrhea, gas, bloating, or constant fatigue, they may ALL be coming from […]

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Simple Trick STOPS Memory Loss

Memory loss can be one of the most upsetting parts of getting older.  Maybe a name is on the tip of your tongue… but you can’t quite come up with it. Or maybe you head to the grocery store for three items… but only come back with one.  These “senior moments” may be common during […]

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cancer dna

Do THIS to Stop Cancer AND Arthritis

Some diseases go hand-in-hand, like high blood pressure and heart disease.  Or type 2 diabetes and vision loss.  When you get one, you know you’re at a higher risk for the other.  There are other diseases you wouldn’t expect to be connected – like cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.  But scientists have just found that BOTH […]

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Deadly New Warning for Breast Cancer Treatment

Man, oh, man, mainstream medicine LOVES to brag about all the “progress” they’ve made treating breast cancer.  They’ll tell you that they’re catching cancers earlier than ever – and that barbaric treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are helping countless women beat the disease.  But here’s what they’re NOT telling you…  The treatment that supposedly […]

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cancer cells

Miracle Nutrient DESTROYS Cancer Cells

Scientists all over the world are frantically searching for that one breakthrough treatment that will cure cancer once and for all. Such a treatment would be able to kill cancer cells, slow tumor growth, and stop cancer cells from spreading. That magic pill is a long way off, but a miracle nutrient that can accomplish […]

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Eat Your Pain Away! The Anti-Arthritis Diet

If you’re one of the 30 million Americans suffering from osteoarthritis, you know just how much it impacts your quality of life. The pain, swelling, and stiffness can make even the most enjoyable activities absolutely miserable.  But you don’t have to load up on painkillers, get steroid injections, or go under the knife to experience […]

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