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Natural Health Response is intended to provide cutting-edge health information.
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cardiogram and heart

Simple Trick SLASHES Your Heart Disease Risk

Whether you’re overweight… or diligently watch the scale…  Whether you’re a person who runs on the treadmill… or if you run from treadmills…  We could all do more to make sure we’re not yet another heart disease statistic.  But if you’ve been told that you need to take drastic measures and upend your life to […]

cancer immunotherapy

KILL Cancer With The Common Cold?!

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Fighting fire with fire.”  This concept doesn’t always work… and often can make things worse.   But that’s not the case when it comes to cancer cells.  That’s why researchers have come up with a revolutionary new anti-cancer treatment.   It involves infecting cancer cells with the common cold. And believe it […]

senior man flexing

“Russian Secret” Builds SUPER MUSCLES

Maintaining muscle mass as you get older isn’t about looking good in your swim trunks or impressing ladies at the gym (although that never hurts).  Instead, it’s about being able to climb the stairs… open spaghetti sauce jars… and walk with steadiness and confidence.  In other words, it’s about maintaining your independence.  But instead of […]

food with healthy fats

Miracle Foods Help Diabetics LIVE LONGER

Like I’ve said before, my gold standard for whether or not a treatment works is whether or not it can help you live longer.  Using this simple metric means that lots of common drugs –like statins and aspirin – just don’t measure up.  But according to new research, there’s a dead-simple and delicious way to […]

prostate cancer

[Alert] Prostate Cancer Treatment CAUSING Dementia?!

Navigating prostate cancer is like going through a maze filled with land mines.  Should you watch and wait?  Have aggressive surgery to remove the tumor?  Undergo radiation?  All options come with risks, but some are worse than others.  Now, a recent study has revealed that one particular treatment for prostate cancer has a risk no […]

A Look At October's Natural Health Response Newsletter

A Closer Look at mRNA Cancer Vaccines

Why They’re NOT All They’re Cracked Up to Be

Excitement has been brewing in medical research and mainstream pharmaceutical companies regarding the new messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.

They’ve been in the works for decades, but the first time an mRNA vaccine was rolled out to the public was with the COVID-19 vaccines. 

Now, the race is on to utilize this new type of vaccine to treat cancer.

Learn all about it, and much MORE, by clicking here.

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THESE Foods Work Like Cancer Drugs! (AMAZING)

They say that nothing is certain but death and taxes…   But I have one more thing to add to the list: the side effects of Big Pharma’s drug.  Every time you pop a pill, you’re trading a potential benefit for a definite risk – especially when it comes to anti-cancer drugs.   But what if there […]

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EASY Habit Stops Alzheimer’s

Let’s face it: No one wants to lose their mind.  Not having control over your own body, forgetting the people you love most, and losing all sense of self is a scary prospect for anyone.  Yet with a 22% increase in just the past three years, Alzheimer’s disease is increasing so quickly that it’s predicted […]

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lymphoma cell

THIS Condition DRIVES UP Your Cancer Risk 66%

People used to think that cancer was genetic. In other words… inevitable.  But the more we learn about cancer – and your genes – the more we’ve learned that there are many factors that influence your risk of cancer.  Things like your diet, environment, chemical exposure, and nutrient deficiencies can play a role in who […]

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[Alert] THIS Drug is KILLING Seniors!

My grandfather used to say, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.”  That’s certainly the case with modern medicine – especially when it comes to mainstream drugs.  You get a diagnosis for a condition, take a drug to treat it, and then end up with another (often deadlier) condition as a result of the drug […]

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Magic Pill STOPS Heart Disease and Diabetes

Big Pharma is always trying to develop the next magic pill.  They thought they had stumbled onto it with statins…   That was until research started pouring in showing that they’re not that great at lower your cholesterol – and they don’t help you live longer.  But it turns out there is a pill that can […]

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senior woman with dog

Is Dog Food KILLING Your Dog?! (SHOCKING)

It’s one thing when a human being makes poor health choices. It’s your choice, and you know the consequences.  But our pets are a different story.   They don’t have a choice about what you put in their food bowl.   And that means that YOU need to know what’s good for them… and what’s not.  But […]

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Tasty Snack Prevents Colon Cancer (Yum!)

Earlier this week, I told you about the shocking increase in stomach cancers over the past 40 years.  And I also told you about the equally shocking 75% increased risk for the most common type of liver cancer if you have issues with gum health.  Now it looks like colon cancer is on the rise, […]

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healthy foods

REVERSE Diabetes and Heart Disease WITHOUT Losing a Single Pound!

Metabolic syndrome is a big health problem that’s been sneaking up on people in recent years.  It’s a cluster of symptoms that will be all too familiar to too many people: abdominal fat, high triglycerides, low HDL (good) cholesterol, and high blood pressure and fasting blood sugar.  Any one of these issues could spell a […]

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senior couple sitting on pier

THIS Summertime Activity DOWNS Heart Risk

If you want to lower your risk of heart disease, you’ve probably been told you need to work really hard to do it.  Exercise five times a week.  Lose weight.  Stop eating everything you love.  Blah, blah, blah.  Well, it turns out that one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk […]

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cancer cells

Common Disease DRIVES UP Cancer Risk 75% (SHOCKING!)

While some types of cancer are on the decline, liver cancer rates have TRIPLED in the past 40 years.   It’s estimated that in 2019 alone, over 42,000 people will be diagnosed with cancer that starts in the liver… and over 31,000 of those individuals will die.  Those aren’t good odds.  The key to reversing this […]

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woman doing blood sugar test

Taboo Cure ENDS Diabetes (WOW!)

Usually when doctors talk to you about controlling or preventing diabetes, it has something to do with diet.  Sure, there are plenty of dietary changes that improve your blood sugar levels.   But you shouldn’t have to give up a single one of your favorite foods to get significant improvements in your fasting insulin levels.  Now […]

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man with knee pain

10-Minute Trick ERASES Pain

Pain is a catch 22.  When you’re in pain, you don’t want to move.   But when you stop moving, you put yourself on a fast-track to disability.  And that means you can’t do much moving even if you wanted to.  But even if you’re dealing with arthritis pain, spending just 10 minutes a day following […]

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healthy foods

Diabetic? Here’s How to Save Your Brain

It’s a side effect of diabetes that most people don’t give much thought to:   It can absolutely destroy your brain.  The blood vessel damage caused by high blood sugar levels affects the brain’s white matter, the part of the brain in which nerves communicate.  When these nerves become damaged, it can lead to cognitive impairment […]

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vitamin D capsules

Miracle Vitamin Helps Cancer Patients Live Longer

By now you probably know that I have one key criterion I use to determine if a drug or treatment is effective:  Does it help you live longer?  Some of the most popular mainstream methods get tossed out the window based on this one simple question (taking a statin a day to prevent heart disease […]

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hemp oil

The 200-Year-Old CURE for Seizures

You never have to wonder whose interests the pharmaceutical companies have in mind.  It’s never yours.  Part of their tactic for lining their pockets is to discredit natural cures, but this time they’re taking a different approach.  In a recent study, researchers clearly acknowledge a natural treatment for seizures – but then tell you why […]

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